- Pst - Streng geheim! - Kursdokumentation
- Crypto and Security Courses
- Unsorted Crypto Links
- DES Challenge Coordinated Effort
- Hey Flanders, nice homepage!
- Cryptography Research Home PageCryptography Research
- WWW Based PGP 5.0 Key Server System
- SSH Win32 Porting Page
- The International PGP Home Page
- The bzip2 and libbzip2 official home page
- Individual Network e.V.: Zertifikate suchen
- perl RSA "munitions" T-Shirt homepage
- Projekt "Maßnahmenkataloge zum Gesetz zur digitalen Signatur"
- Steganography - Image watermarking
- IT-Grundschutzhandbuch -- IT Baseline Protection Manual
- Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
- Ross Anderson's Home Page
- Index of /~mgk25/stirmark
- Tamper Resistance - a Cautionary Note
- ssh für Windows
- The Puzzler
- cryptlib Encryption Toolkit
- Fortify for Netscape - Home Page
- The Global Trust Register
- Index of /~pgut001/pubs/
- Handbook of Applied Cryptography
- CTC - PGP-compatible encryption software
- Markus Kuhn's Home Page
- www.crypto.de - Verhindert ein Kryptographie-Gesetz
- Ronald L. Rivest : HomePage
- Chaffing and Winnowing: Confidentiality without Encryption
- CCC klont D2 Kundenkarte
- Cipher - Newsletter of the IEEE CS TC on Security and Privacy
- PGPKeys
- Sperrungen im Internet
- TTSSH: An SSH Extension to Teraterm
- ACM Classic: Reflections on Trusting Trust
- SRP: The New Secure Authentication Standard
- Datenschutz und Datensicherheit
- Kryptologie - Inhalt
- Twofish
- FIPS 197, Advanced Encryption Standard | CSRC
- WWDSI's Saint Information - Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool
- Crypto-Gram Newsletter
- AT&T Labs Research - DjVu
- Mersenne Twister: A random number generator
- Steven M. Bellovin -- Talks
- Infilsec - Vulnerabilities
- Index of Crypto Papers Online
- OpenSSL: The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS
- Cryptome
- mhash library
- SSLWrap
- Pommerenings Lesezeichen Kryptologie
- The Story of Alice and Bob
- Quantum Computing - Lov Grover
- Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C/C++ Library
- Cryptographers (outdated)
- Lösungen, Übungen und Beispiele zu diversen Krypto-Büchern
- The KeyNote Trust-Management System
- Self-Study Course in Block Cipher Cryptanalysis
- Kryptologie: Zeichenhäufigkeiten verschiedener Sprachen
- Kryptologie: Zeichenhäufigkeiten in Deutsch
- Random number generators -- PLAB - A Server on the Theory and Practice of Random Number Generation
- Randomness for crypto
- WireTapped.Net - software, development libraries, text files and radio/conference broadcasts covering computer security, cryptography and network-related technologies.
- Selecting Cryptographic Key Sizes
- Certicom's Research - Elliptic Curve Cryptography Area
- lucre - David Wagner's Diffie-Hellman variant on Chaumian blinding
- Lecture Notes on Cryptography
- D.O.E. SysWorks - Computer Security, Encryption, and Cryptanalysis
- Sirene Home Page - SIcherheit in REchnerNEtzen
- Manual Crypto Challenge - Wettberwerb über Kryptoverfahren, die per Hand ausrechenbar sind
- Cryptographic software solutions and how to use them.
- Enigmatic - Enigma Java Simulator
- Network Security Services (NSS) - S/MIME- und SSL/TLS-Library (für Netscape/Mozilla)
- The Rijndael Page
- ssldump - SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
- Griffon Cryptanalysis Package - GUI for cryptanalysis of pre-digital ciphers
- Software Enigma
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems - The Future of Public-Key Encryption?
- Elliptische Kurven
- Elliptic Curves and Their Applications to Cryptography: An Introduction
- MDcrack, bruteforce your MD5/MD4 hashes.
- CrypTool - Demonstrations- und Referenzprogramm für Kryptographie
- PuTTY: a free Win32 telnet/ssh client
- dtype.org - keyanalyze - Analysis of a large OpenPGP ring
- Cryptography Pointers
- spammimic - hide a message in spam
- jharris.cjb.net: Intermediate keyanalyze Results
- Crypto Topic Generator
- LNCS Cryptography Volumes
http://www.roehri.ch/~sr/links/crypto.html |
2020-02-29 22:05:57
Stefan Röhrich